Showing posts from September, 2023Show All
A ball falls off a table and reaches  the ground in 1s. Assuming g = 10  m/s², calculate its speed on reaching  the ground and the height of the  table.
An object thrown vertically upwards  reaches a height of 500 m. What was  its initial velocity? How long will the  object take to come back to the  earth? Assume g = 10 m/s²
The mass and weight of an object on  earth are 5 kg and 49 N respectively.  What will be their values on the  moon? Assume that the acceleration  due to gravity on the moon is 1/6th  of that on the earth.
The radius of planet A is half the  radius of planet B. If the mass of A is  MA, what must be the mass of B so that the value of g on B is half that of  its value on A?
An object takes 5 s to reach the  ground from a height of 5 m on a  planet. What is the value of g on the  planet?
A wave of frequency 500 Hz is travelling  with a speed of 350 m/s.   (a) What is the phase difference between  two displacements at a certain point at  times 1.0 ms apart? (b) what will be the  smallest distance between two points  which are 45º out of phase at an instant  of time?