How much work is required to form a bubble of 2 cm radius from the soap solution having surface tension 0.07 N/m.

After going through the question, we observe some data as , 

initial radius = 0cm

final radius , r= 2cm = 0.02 m

dr = 2cm = 0.02 m 

Surface Tension (T) = 0.07 N/m

The formula to calculate the work done to form a bubble is

Work = Surface Tension x Change in Surface Area

Initial Surface Area = 4πr²

Final Surface Area = 4π(r + dr)²

Change in Surface Area = Final Surface Area - Initial Surface Area 

= 4π(r + dr)² - 4πr²

= 4π(r² + 2rdr + dr²) - 4πr² = 4πr² + 8πrdr + 4πdr² - 4πr²

= 8πrdr + 4πdr²

Since the change in radius (dr) is very small compared to the initial radius (r), we can neglect the dr² , hence 4πdr² is neglected 

Change in Surface Area ≈ 8πrdr

Work = Surface Tension x Change in Surface Area = 0.07 x 8πrdr = 0.07 x 8 x 3.142 x 0.02 x 0.02 = 

= 0.000224 x 3.142

= 7.038 x 10^-4 J