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HSC Result 2023 on 25 May 2023
With what terminal velocity will an  air bubble 0.4 mm in diameter rise in a  liquid of viscosity 0.1 Ns/m² and specific  gravity 0.9? Density of air is 1.29 kg/m³ .
A horizontal force of 1 N is required to  move a metal plate of area 10^-2 m²  with a  velocity of 2 × 10^-2 m/s, when it rests on  a layer of oil 1.5 × 10^-3 m thick. Find the  coefficient of viscosity of oil.
Calculate the viscous force acting on  a rain drop of diameter 1 mm, falling  with a uniform velocity 2 m/s through  air. The coefficient of viscosity of air is  1.8 × 10^-5 Ns/m².
In a hydraulic lift, the input piston had  surface area 30 cm²  and the output piston  has surface area of 1500 cm² . If a force  of 25 N is applied to the input piston,  calculate weight on output piston.
A gas contained in a cylinder fitted with  a frictionless piston expands against a  constant external pressure of 1 atm from  a volume of 5 litres to a volume of 10  litres. In doing so it absorbs 400 J of  thermal energy from its surroundings.  Determine the change in internal energy  of system.
A Carnot refrigerator operates between  250K and 300K. Calculate its coefficient  of performance.
Efficiency of a Carnot cycle is 75%.  If temperature of the hot reservoir is  727ºC, calculate the temperature of the  cold reservoir.
Potential energy of a particle performing  linear S.H.M is 0.1 π² x² joule. If mass of  the particle is 20 g, find the frequency of  S.H.M.
The total energy of a body of mass 2 kg  performing S.H.M. is 40 J. Find its speed  while crossing the centre of the path.