p-type semiconductor & n-type semiconductor

p-type semiconductor
  • When trivalent impurity like indium,boron, aluminium etc is added to pure semiconductor , p-type semiconductor is formed.
  • Electric conductivity is due to positively charged holes.
  • Impurity atoms are called as acceptor impurity
  • Holes are majority charge carriers
  • Since holes are in majority and they are positive in charge hence it is named as p-type semiconductor

n type semiconductor
  • When pentavalent impurity like arsenic, antimony , phosphorus etc is added to pure semiconductor , n-type semiconductor is formed.
  • Electric conductivity is due to negatively charged electrons
  • Impurity atoms are called as donor impurity
  • Electrons are majority charge carriers
  • Since electron are in majority and they are negative in charge hence it is named as n-type semiconductor